Our physiotherapists are trained to assess your condition, diagnose the problem, help you understand what is wrong and treat your condition to prevent disease and disability. They will assess your movement and function and help you overcome movement disorders which may have been present from birth, acquired through injury or accident or as the result of ageing.
Common treatment methods used by our physiotherapists
Muscle Release and Massage
Joint Manipulation and Mobilisation
Structured Exercise Programs
Muscle Re Education/Re Training
Postural and Gait Assessment
Dry needling
Sports Taping and Casting
Mechanical Traction
What conditions do we treat?
Tension Headache
Neck Pain
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries
Tennis/Golfers Elbow
Lower Back Pain
Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis
Patello Femoral Knee Pain
Ankle Sprains
Muscles Tears
Overuse and Repetitive Strain Injuries
We work with clients of all ages and with a wide range of health conditions. Whether it is pain management and rehabilitation from an acute injury like a sprained ankle, or management of chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, our physiotherapist can help. Programs are not limited to rehabilitation of injury and the effects of disease or disability. We can also provide education and advice for health promotion, disease and injury prevention.